Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Signing Off

Hello Reader,

This is Mike, coming at you hot for one last time.

MikeThoughtsForYou has officially died, in part due to the fact that I haven't posted anything in three years.

Some of my loyal fans might be asking themselves, "where did the years go?" To those individuals, I have news for you: that's lost time that we're not getting back.

"But where have you been the last 3 years?"

Well, I've officially liquidated and sold MikeThoughtsForYou to Bloodclot Films, a media production company based out of New York. I will now be a regular contributor to their website, bloodclotfilms.com.

A few final words:

1) This blog started out a tiny infant in my arms. I cradled it; I fed it; I protected it. These past three years, however, I neglected it. Bloodclot Films will carry on its legacy.

2) I apologize for the plagiarized "quote sections" in some of the earlier MikeThoughtsForYou posts back in 2012. I was young and stupid. I now use bibliographies where necessary.

If I can leave you with a little something I came up with, it's this: life moves by pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.

Stay classy San Diego,

Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder, Bloodclot Films Inc.